סנטור טד קרוז הודף את המלכודת של "מכחיש אקלים"
אנכי | 18 בספטמבר 2015
אחת מהטקטיקות המכוערות (אך המצליחות) של תעמלנים סביבתיים המבקשים לקדם שלטון מרכזי המפקח על כל פרט בחיי האדם היא השימוש בתיאור מוגזם ככל האפשר של סכנות אקלימיות המובילות לכאורה למסקנה המסומנת מראש של הצורך הדחוף בהגדלת תקציבים וסמכויות לממשל.
בביקור שערך המועמד האמריקאי לנשיאות טד קרוז בישוב המתפרנס מדייג לובסטרים הוא הותקל על ידי פעיל סביבתי שניסה לתייגו כ"מכחיש אקלים". התיעוד הועלה ליוטיוב ב-1 בספטמבר 2015.
השאלה אותה הציג הפעיל הסביבתי היתה: "לובסטרים נעים למים קרים יותר בשל שינויי אקלים. אתה מכחיש את הקיום של שינויי אקלים, נכון? הצבעת נגד המימון עבור קרן האוקיינוסים שנועדה להגן על כלכלת החופים במקומות הדומים לכאן. שאלתי היא, כיצד אתה מסוגל להגיע לכאן כאשר רקורד ההצבעות שלך אומר שלא אכפת לך מהקהילה הזאת?"
לפניכם הצילום "החתרני" בו מופיע הדיאלוג, לאחריו מוצג הטקסט באנגלית.
Tyler- "Lobsters are moving to colder waters due to climate change. You deny the existence of climate change, correct? We can get to that later. You voted against the National Endowment for the Oceans which is designed to protect coastal economies like this one. My question is, how can you come here when your voting record basically says you don't care about this community?"
Cruz- "You know what's interesting about voting records and communities if you look at what's happening in the last six and a half years people are hurting across this country, their losing their jobs. We've got the lowest percentage of Americans working since 1978. And what's happened under the Obama-Clinton economy? The rich have gotten richer. You know the top 1%, the millionaires and billionaires the president demagogues against all the time? Today earn the highest percentage of income of any year since 1928. The reason I am running for President is to bring back an environment of jobs and economic growth and opportunity because the people who are hurting right now are young people, Hispanics, African-Americans, are single moms. So when you talk about a community here, people here want jobs and economic opportunity and they're getting hammered."
Tyler- "Especially in the lobster business which is where you are and if you don't mind answering my first question do you agree that you deny the existence of climate change?"
Cruz- "Well in the legal business.."
Tyler- "It's really a yes or no question."
Cruz- "It's not a yes or no question. Sir I'm happy to answer your question but I'm not going to engage in a cross examination. If you would like my answer I will give you my answer. Which is that public policy should follow the science and the data."
Tyler- "Which says climate change exists."
Cruz- "Sir I told you I'm not going cross-examined. Let's step back for a second and look at this with some historical perspective. Thirty to forty years ago there were a group of political liberal and scientists who said we were facing global cooling. They said we were headed toward a global ice age and the solution to global cooling was increased was massive government control of the economy, the energy sector, and every aspect of our lives. Then the data disproved it. It was not in fact correct that we were seeing global cooling. So that was kind of a problem. Then many of these same political liberals, and many of these same scientists they then latched on to a new theory, it's called global warming. And the new theory of global warming interestingly enough, the solution was the exact same as the solution had been for global cooling. It was massive government control of the economy, the energy sector, and every aspect of our lives. But then the problem became the data and evidence didn't back up global warming. In particular if you look at the satellite data. Listen I am the son of two scientists and mathematicians. It is the essence of science to look to the evidence. In the last eighteen years there has been no meaningful recorded warming according to the satellite data. So all of a sudden all these political liberals, the evidence and data didn't back them up. So then the theory changed to a third version, it's just been in the last few years when the theory magically transformed into climate change. And climate change from the perspective of a political liberal who wants government power climate change is the perfect pseudo-scientific theory. Why is that? Because it can never be disproven. Whether it's hotter or colder, whether is wetter or drier the climate is always changing. Now you asked a question, 'do you believe in climate change?'. Of course! From the dawn of time the climate has been changing. Until the end of time the climate will change. And yet interestingly enough the political liberals, their solution to climate change is exactly the same as it was to global cooling and global warming. Massive government control of the economy, energy sector, and our lives. And when you start to see politicians who propose the exact same solution to every problem regardless of the facts or the data you start to think these are politicians who just want power over our lives. You know what I'm interested in? I'm interested in the single moms who are working here who are struggling to feed their families and are seeing their electric bills skyrocketing because these political liberals are driving up their electric bills, driving up their energy bills, making it harder and harder to provide for their kids. We need to follow the facts and data and not just give power to a bunch of out of touch elites in Washington over our lives."
יש להתחבר למערכת כדי לכתוב תגובה.